
Rated 10/10 Trojan Workout review
By Terrance Ndlovu / London, Romford, United Kingdom

I have read several if not more then quite a few books based on strength systems and advancing strength in the human body.
I made the mistake of thinking this was simply another of those books where I could take the useful and implement it into my own training and strength development and keep the rest simply for reference.
How wrong I was!!!!
I made the mistake of thinking this book would talk about rep schemes and optimal resistance loads etc.
This book will resonate with literally anybody who is trying to get from point A to point B (point B being the better place).
The book is a brilliant account of perseverance and also a brilliant testament to a word which does not get used enough in the fitness industry.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.
I read this book in 2 days because it simply is that good.
I could easily talk about the books content in descriptive terms but I would rather focus on the tools (which the book highlights) needed to give literally anybody an unbreakable will and determination to approach any challenge which may lay ahead.
And believe me this book talks about challenge!!!!
Honestly, on a 1 to 5 rating with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent, I would score this book a clear 7.
Do yourself a good turn and read it for yourself. You will be inspired to tackle any life challenge.
Excellent read.

Rated 9/10 "The height of cultivation runs to simplicity.
By Tom Furman / Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

"The height of cultivation runs to simplicity. Halfway cultivation runs to ornamentation." -- Bruce Lee
The Trojan Workout is a breath of fresh air in the fitness world where gimmicks arrive and disappear like Boy Bands.
Martin's life experience and engineer type mind has manufactured and sculpted a workout system that is powerful, portable, plannable and pliable. It's doing the utmost with the minimum. It allows scalability for everyone from raw beginner to elite soldier or athlete.

The layout it clear, with both photos and charts throughout. You could hardly do better than this book for a foundation of fitness in the time you have to invest.

True mastery is not doing, new, fancy, stuff. True mastery is showing you how to get more out of what you already know. Trojan Workout uses basics for sophistication and not flash to sell complication.

This book gets a big thumbs up from me.

Rated 9/10 Must read if you are serious about fitness.
By Tim Schmidt / Schiedam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands

I am a fitness enthousiast and a qualified RKC instructor. I believe I was one of the first persons to have read the book, it just took me while to get to the review.
I found the buildup of the book to be somewhat slow, but it helps you to understand the trojan workout better once you know more about its history, rather then just getting to the point straight away.
Being familiar with the training principles of the Trojan Workout, I speak from experience when I say this method is legit. It is the simplicity that makes it such an easy to use method, and it is about much more than just good looks. Even just reading the book will give you a different perspective on fitness.
I hope that more people will give this one a go, because it is refreshing to see somebody thinking out of the box for a change. Not because he had a good idea yesterday, but because he is sharing a life's worth of knowledge with us.

Rated 6/10 A great resource for the price
By Pete Smith / Clarks Summit, PA, USA

I think when you get down to the pages that describe the workout protocol the book becomes pretty valuable. I would have liked a lot more detail about the workouts however. The author has an interesting story to tell in terms of his background; however, I thought this dominated the book rather than the workout program.


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